Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Ray Of Light

Only 3 days ago, David Diley released his new short film "A Ray Of Light". This film deals with the conservation work being done by Brad Robertson to protect the Stingrays of Mallorca. Brad and his wife Bea do not have the backing of some huge NGO and they have to face the hard financial struggle along with the tiring hardships of dealing with bureaucracy and lack of assistance from entities that could be of great help.

As a professional Diving Instructor, Brad has loved the ocean for a long time and has been involved in various conservation projects. A few months ago, he initiated his Stingray survey after having discovered a  population of rays in the bay of Parma. This survey will hopefully lead to the conservation of these rays and the protection of the habitat.

Divers can also volunteer to assist in this project. Click here if interested.

David Diley not only filmed but also produced and edited this short documentary which he decided to do spontaneously whilst on a 3 week holiday in Mallorca. Working with only one camera, David has created a film that has already reached people in over 49 different countries.

These guys deserve all the support that you can give them, for the great work they are doing. This planet needs more people like you.

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